JWST Data Analysis and Processing Workshop in Chiang Mai
I had the opportunity to participate in the first JWST Data Analysis Workshop. The JWST Data Analysis and Processing Workshop (South East Asia) is one of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR)’s Capacity Building Activities and the International Astronomical Union (IAU)’s Hands-On Workshops. This two-week workshop covered everything about the various modes of the JWST and data analysis techniques from the experts who are developing the data reduction pipeline for scientists worldwide.
As part of the workshop, we worked on a mini project over two days to analyze public JWST data and give a 10-minute presentation about our findings. My project, titled “The Properties of Galaxies in the MACS J1149.5+2223 Field with JWST NIRSpec,” focused on studying the spectra of high-redshift galaxies to examine their metallicity and investigate potential metallicity evolution. You can view the presentation here. The workshop was incredibly productive and provided comprehensive knowledge necessary for JWST data analysis.
Another memorable aspect of the workshop was our excursion to the Elephant Nature Park and the Thai National Radio Observatory in Chiang Mai. It was enjoyable to get close to the elephants and have another opportunity to see the gigantic radio telescope in Thailand.