My first time observing with the Thai National Radio Telescope in Chiang Mai
My observing proposal for the 40-meter Thai National Radio Telescope was accepted last year with the assistance of Dr. Krittapas Chanchaiworawit. As a result, I had the opportunity to travel to Chiang Mai to conduct observations of my target at the telescope site. It had been a while since I last observed my own target. Additionally, we worked on reducing the raw data from the telescope to potentially detect my faint (16 mJy) radio source, CHIPS1911+4455. I am grateful to Koichiro Sugiyama and Nobuyuki Sakai for accommodating my student and me during our visit and sharing their expertise in radio astronomy data reduction.
Furthermore, I presented the work conducted at Chulalongkorn University during their coffee seminar. My presentation covered various topics, including my research on galaxy clusters with unique BCGs, photometric redshift using X-ray/SZ, and the initial stages of radio observation of these clusters.